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Forum principali => eMule Forge => eMule Mods => Topic started by: Raid on Tue 14 October 2008, 13:08

Title: [REL] eMule 0.49b [Mephisto 2.1]
Post by: Raid on Tue 14 October 2008, 13:08
eMule 0.49b Mephisto 2.1

eMule v0.49b Mephisto v2.1
- 13.10.2008 -
based on eMule 0.49b ScarAngel 3.1 compiled with vs2005 SP1

Changed: Veto new only slot if trickles are transfering [Stulle]

Mephisto Homepage (http://mephisto.emule-web.de)

Link diretti:

Binari (http://hostex.de/1223855481)
Sorgenti (http://hostex.de/1223855329)

Traduzione italiana by Darkforge team (http://www.darkforge.it/board/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item114)

Download more versions of eMule Mephisto.MoD (http://hostex.de/emule/Mephisto)
Features & Changelogs for eMule Mephisto.MoD (http://www.emule-mods.de/?mods=Mephisto)
Rate eMule Mephisto.MoD @ emule-mods.de !!! (http://www.emule-mods.de/?comment=Mephisto)
eMule: (http://www.emule-mods.de/) Server.met (http://www.server-met.de/) - Server-List  (http://www.emule-mods.de/?servermet=show)- IPFilter  (http://www.emule-mods.de/?mods=ipfilter)- Skins (http://www.emule-mods.de/?skin=show) - eMule Wiki  (http://wiki.emule-web.de/)- Nodes.dat (eMule KAD) (http://www.nodes-dat.com/)
Title: Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [Mephisto 2.1]
Post by: Raid on Tue 14 October 2008, 13:16
Traduzione italiana aggiornata in arrivo nei prossimi giorni