Author Topic: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]  (Read 12605 times)

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Offline FadeToBlack

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[REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]
« on: Sun 05 October 2008, 17:17 »
eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.0
based on eMule 0.49b AnalyZZUL v2.1

* make the Colors in the Lists switch- and changeable
* changed Splash and Programm Icon
* changed exe Name to eMule.ZZUL+.exe
+ Code Optimation[avi3k]
+ Toggle Friends [tuxman]
+ Set Friendslot in all lists [tuxman]
+ Bugfix from official Board by WiZaRd see Topic for Details
+ some Fixes from moloko+ posted in Code snippets in official Board
- Removed ReAsk After Ip Change from Neo
+ ReAsk After Ip Change v4[XMan]

forgotten in previous changelogs:
+ Don't kill source if it's the only one complet source, it's a friend[MORPH]
+ find best sources[Xman]

« Last Edit: Wed 31 December 2008, 18:57 by Raid »

Offline SS1900

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.0]
« Reply #1 on: Tue 18 November 2008, 12:58 »
favolosa mod !! mi chiedevo se avete in "lavorazione" una dll italiana di traduzione !
grazie 1000 e continuate cosi ! :tup:

Offline Raid

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.0]
« Reply #2 on: Tue 18 November 2008, 13:12 »
per ora ci sono altri progetti in corso, però in futuro non si sa mai  :rolleyes:

Offline SS1900

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.0]
« Reply #3 on: Sat 29 November 2008, 17:07 »
guardate che velocita' di down con qusta mod ! ZZUL + v1.1  :sdentato:

Code: [Select]
[b]Basic System Infos:[/b]
|--> Nick:
|--> Versione Software: 0.49b ZZUL Plus v1.1
|--> Modversion: ZZUL Plus v1.1
|--> CPU Infos: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6400  @ 2.13GHz
|--> CPU (Usage): 2.13GHz (0%)
|--> RAM (Usage): 2.94 GB (111.45 MB)
|--> Spazio Libero su Disco: 192.59 GB


[b]Emule Settings:[/b]
|--> Max. Velocità di Upload: 50.0 KB/s (Limit: Illimitata)
|--> Max. Velocità di Download: 600.0 KB/s (Limit: Illimitata)
|--> Global HL: Disattivato
|--> Limite Massimo: 600
|--> Connessioni Massime: 500
|--> N° Massimo Nuove Connessioni ogni 5 secondi: 20
|--> N° Massimo Connessioni Parziali Aperte: 50
|--> eMule ports: TCP: 54393 UDP: 9154
|--> Upload Dinamico (USS): Attivo
|--> Server Connessione Sicura: Attivo

[b]Mod Settings:[/b]
|--> Emulate Others: Si
|--> UPnP: Disattivato
|--> Use intelligent flushing? Si
|--> Save/Load Sources: Attivo (100|25)

[b]Upload Stats:[/b]
|--> Durata Upload: 2:53 ore (99.7%)
|--> Velocità di Upload: 40.4 KB/s
|--> Velocità Media Upload: 36.4 KB/s
|--> Velocità di Upload Massima: 68.8 KB/s
|--> Max Velocità di Upload Media: 37.9 KB/s
|--> Dati Inviati: 368.95 MB
|--> Upload Attivi: 8
|--> Upload in Attesa: 7381

[b]Download Stats:[/b]
|--> Durata Download: 2:46 ore (95.7%)
|--> Download Attivi (parti): 17
|--> Velocità di Download: 31.6 KB/s
|--> Velocità Media Download: 58.0 KB/s
|--> Velocità di Download Massima: 6.83 MB/s
|--> Max Velocità di Download Media: 58.7 KB/s
|--> Dati Scaricati: 587.58 MB
|--> Fonti Trovate: 7009
|--> Troppe connessioni: 2
|--> In Coda: 6006
|--> Richiesta File: 2
|--> Connessione in corso...: 9
|--> Parti non necessarie: 412
|--> Contattato per un altro File (A4AF): 2052
|--> Coda piena: 533
|--> Connessione impossibile tra due client con ID Basso: 0
|--> Bannati: 117

|--> Rapporto Up:Down Sessione: 1 : 1.59
|--> Dimensione Totale dei File Condivisi: 208.34 GB
|--> Numero di File Condivisi: 339
|--> Numero di Download: 78
|--> Download Completati: 1
|--> Identificazione Sicura (OK : Fallita ): 10182 (87.5%) : 1136 (9.8%) : 323 (2.8%)
|--> Sessioni di Download: 195
|--> Sessioni di Download Riuscite: 146 (74.87%)
|--> Sessioni di Download Fallite: 49 (25.13%)
|--> Sessioni di Upload: 161
|--> Upload Totali Riusciti: 144 (89.44%)
|--> Upload Totali Falliti: 17 (10.56%)

|--> *** Modded by gomez82 ***

Offline Raid

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]
« Reply #4 on: Wed 31 December 2008, 18:59 »
eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1
based on eMule 0.49b AnalyZZUL v2.1

Code: [Select]
Changelog for eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1] Light

CHANGED: Build without IRC, Notifier, TextToSpeech (undefined in stdafx.h)
Changelog for eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]

ADDED: MTU - Settings[Maella] merged from Xtreme
CHANGED: changed SysInfo implementation because it Crashed under Vista[Stulle] merged from X-Ray
ADDED: forgotten codeparts of several features i missed during merging
ADDED: SearchColors[WiZaRd]
ADDED: Emulate others [WiZaRd/Spike/shadow2004/evcz] merged from MagicAngel
ADDED: Credits Reset Exploit Prevention[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
ADDED: Add next connect theft?[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
ADDED: Fakealyzer[netfinity] merged from netF Warp
CHANGED: fixed Crash when moving files
CHANGED: fixed ModVersion wasn't send
ADDED: Extra User Infos[MorphXT] merged from MagicAngel
CHANGED: fix ClearMessageField[TuxMan] from Official Board
CHANGED: fixed ClientDetailDialog Antileech Label
ADDED: show virtual sources [MORPH] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Recognize Horde op-codes[netfinity] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Recognize MlDonkey XS Answer [Stulle/Spike2/ideas by Wiz] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: multiSort [SLUGFILLER] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Init-Hashtable optimization [Xman] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: reqBlocksClipping[Slugfiller] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: hopefully fixed a crash reported by jerryBBB
ADDED: MemLeak Fixes [WiZaRd] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: better passive source finding[XMan] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Variable Compression[netfinity] merged from my old Mod
ADDED: Custom Colors for XP Menues
ADDED: XP Menues [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: ManualSourceRequest [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Parts of SourceRequestTweaks [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: NeoDownloadCommands [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: ClientAnalyzer Score Collumn [pP] merged from R-Mod
ADDED: Fixed fairplay Display in QueueList and Uploadlist [evcz/gomez82] merged from MagicAngel
ADDED: Xtented Credit Table Arrangement[XMan] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: Better Client Attaching[Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
ADDED: added check to prevent "bad" username usage (DLP.dll needed) [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: SLS [enkeyDEV/JvA] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: SafeHash [Slugfiller/SiRoB] merged from Xray
ADDED: Clipstat support [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: Feedback support [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: Compatible Client Statistics[Stulle/WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: Mod Statistics[TPT] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: only kill source if no Requested File[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: LoopImprovements[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: CriticalPacketFix[Xanatos] merged from Xray
ADDED: Unknown Protocol Tags and Show in ClientDetails[Bluesonicboy/JvA/WiZaRd] merged from Xray
ADDED: Show Hardlimit for Files constantly[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Show Global Hardlimit[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Global Hardlimit customized for Files[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Global Hardlimit[Stulle] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: Smaller Connected Display in StatusBar[SiRoB] merged from StulleMule
ADDED: FairPlay[AndCycle] merged from Morph
CHANGED: fix for StaticTrayIcon[morph4u]
ADDED: Reduced CPU usage[netfinity] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Sourcecache[XMan] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: better chunk selection[XMan] merged from Xtreme
ADDED: Show (un-)loading status of IPFilter[Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
CHANGED: Default Colors for PS/FS/Friend/Community[gomez82]
CHANGED: Default Colors for Logs[WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
CHANGED: moved Options from PPgTweaks to PPgTweaks2
ADDED: IntelliFlush/LargerBuffer/BufferTime[WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: Separate Options Page for Display Options[gomez82]
CHANGED: now u can choose if you want Color BG , Text or Both for PS/FS/Friend/Community[gomez82]
CHANGED: fixed some Bugs found by some Testers
ADDED: Powershare Color to shared files[gomez82]
ADDED: fixed on queue sorting in Shared Files thx Eulero for Reporting[gomez82]
ADDED: auto drop immunity[Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Drop Sources[Sivka/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: Sivka File Settings[Sivka/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
ADDED: IP2Country and Updatepage[EastShare/WiZaRd/shadow2004] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: more logging if config dir is readonly (vista!)[MORPH] merged from Morph
ADDED: Catch oversized public key in credit.met file [SiRob] merged from Morph
ADDED: Anti Shape[netfinity] merged from netF WARP
ADDED: Relax At Startup[WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: Friends / Community On Queue Window[2BC/gomez82] merged from ZZULtimativ
ADDED: Restart if necessary[JvA/Xanatos/gomez82] from Official Board
ADDED: Fix from Official Board[WiZaRd/taz]
ADDED: lowered uploadtimer frequency to 10ms (was: 100ms) to improve upload/download performance - [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: Automatic Firewalled retries[WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: some Code Optimations and Fixes[WiZaRd/XMan/Maella/Morph-Team] merged from eMulefuture, Morph and Xtrem
ADDED: Manual Client Management[Xanatos/JvA] merged from Xray
ADDED: modified calling CheckforHighPrioClient() to save some CPU[CB/gomez82] merged from ZZUL Bastard
ADDED: Options to choose Background-/Text- Color for RollUpCtrl[gomez82]
ADDED: RollUpCtrl, eMule Plus Style Transfer Window[eMulePlus/JvA] merged from Xray
ADDED: missing Prefs thx to LorenzoC for reporting[gomez82]
ADDED: save some CPU cycles with empty Queue[pP] merged from R-Mod
ADDED: BlockRatio[XMan] merged from Xray
ADDED: ClientAnalyzer-Log[Shadow2004] merged from eMulefuture
ADDED: corrupted barshaderinfo[fafner] merged from Morph
ADDED: Show Downloading file in bold[SiRoB] merged from Morph
REMOVED: SysInfoGraph from StatisticsDlg because crash with Mod Stats

For Private(Light) Version:
ADDED: Preprocessors to enable IRC/Notifiers/TextToSpeech[CiccioBastardo] merged from ZZUL Bastard
ADDED: Preprocessor to enable official UPNP[MorphXT] merged from Morph

based on eMule 0.49b AnalyZZUL v2.1

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Offline paolone

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« Reply #5 on: Fri 23 January 2009, 17:53 »
ciao a tutti voi del forum e complimenti per il lavoro  svolto.
Vorrei chiedervi un informazione riguardo la zzul plus 1.1. allora da qualche giorno sto provando questa mod, e ho trovato nella cartella config un file dlp antileecher , visto che usa il CA che funzioe ha questo dlp. Si deve aggiornare? :confuso:

Offline Raid

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]
« Reply #6 on: Fri 23 January 2009, 23:01 »
non credo che si debba aggiornare, potrebbe essere che usa il DLP per alcune cose ma non è lo stesso rispetto alle mod che lo usano per il sistema antileech completo (quindi è ridotto o di struttura diversa). Attieniti al file che rilascia il dev e non mischiare con DLP di altre mod.

Comunque puoi provare, al massimo non lo carica.
Fai sempre backup prima di prove.

Offline SS1900

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]
« Reply #7 on: Sun 25 January 2009, 22:13 »
il file dlp nella cartella confing serve solo ad evitare di mettere come "user name" nomi vietati (applejuice ,verycd) in quanto esiste una leecher mod  "plus 1" . tutto qua' !  :angel:
se leggi nel changelod della mod vedrai "ADDED: added check to prevent "bad" username usage (DLP.dll needed) [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture" .
solo per dovere di cronaca !  :sdentato:
« Last Edit: Mon 02 February 2009, 12:19 by fabius »

Offline paolone

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]
« Reply #8 on: Mon 26 January 2009, 14:45 »
ok grazie. :sdentato:

Offline paolone

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Re: [REL] eMule 0.49b [ZZUL Plus 1.1]
« Reply #9 on: Fri 30 January 2009, 19:52 »
ciao ragazzi  qualcuno di voi può darmi per favore una risposta riguardo questo messaggio. Nel registro della zzul ho trovato : Possibile sfruttare credito reset: Up = 2187527, Giù = 0 IP-Adress' '(eMule v0.49b, OnQueue / Nessuna / Nessuno)  :eyebrow:


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